Monday Motivation
MM #186 - Just Say No
What an incredible phrase. While it was unfortunately tarnished by the drug war in a failed attempt to educate about the dangers of drugs, the real value is still there...
MM #185 - New Year, New You
It’s cliché, but whatever is the moment you feel free enough from the weight of your past to try and break free of its gravity, do it. Every year, I...
MM #184 - Unlock Your Chains
"The gates of hell are locked from the inside." – C.S. Lewis. I'm not sure what brought this quote to my universe. Perhaps it was reading something from Duncan Trussell....
MM #183 - Haunted By It
I found myself shoehorned into my window seat on a plane this morning, staring out over the Gulf of Mexico before we hit Central America. From this aerial view, a...
MM #182 - Call to Adventure
The more I venture into the uncharted corners of the world, the more my perspective blows wide open. Every step down the road less traveled isn’t just a step –...
MM #181 - BE IMPECCABLE: A Manifesto for the Unyielding
Listen up. When I say 'be impeccable,' I'm not spewing some self-help guru's recycled crap. I'm talking about a blood-and-guts commitment to the person you see in the mirror. 2023...
MM #180 - No Permission Needed
When will you choose to be an adult? Not the boring, button downed, joyless, responsible, and stressed out dreamless individuals we see in our culture. I’m talking about the leaders. ...
MM #179 - How Did I Get Here?
How did I get here? That’s the thought playing on a loop in my head. This same feeling has always found me when I push a boundary of travel. The...
MM #178 - Rocket Man
I'm a rocket man. Sitting in an aisle seat on a 13-hour flight from Jordan to DC, I have some time before a very average dinner is plopped in front...
MM #177 - Journey Beyond Dreams: Create Reality
The last month has been a blur of culture, sounds, and new experiences. Travel does for my soul what most people think buying new things does for them. Except the...
MM #176 - Embrace The Unknown
"Maturity is the capacity to endure uncertainty.” – John Huston Finley Uncertainty should not be feared; it should be welcomed. The sure thing, the safe way, the normal path, is...
MM #175 - Death Along The Way
Each chapter of my life has been distinctly different, yet certain themes have persisted throughout. In my 20s, I grappled with entrepreneurship, navigated love and relationships, managed tours, and dreamt...