Monday Motivation
MM #150 - Save Yourself. Be Accountable
This seems to be something we as a species are really terrible at managing well. When we find abundance, we don’t just grab what we need. We hoard it. From...
MM #148 - Where is your FOCUS and ENERGY?
If you think about your energy like a fuel tank, how are you spending your daily allotment? When you spend your hours and energy wisely, you make progress. Simple equation,...
MM #147 - Can You Do Less?
Recently I’ve been thinking a lot about things that I do that don’t require a massive amount of attention or energy, but still help me to recover, be better, make...
MM #146 - Memento Mori - NOT DEAD YET
June Moto adventure Remember you are going to die! Day 1: We’re arriving at the west coast by 8:30AM. My excitement has fully taken hold of my mind. I’m nervous,...
MM #145 - Be Intentional With Your Time
We all have the same 24 hours in a day. How we choose to spend it is our responsibility. To become my best at the Highland Games, it took years...
MM #144 - It All Starts With Us
The world we live in today is a reflection of the system we created for ourselves. Unfortunately, we've been deceived by the illusion of progress and prosperity, while in reality,...
MM #143 - Getting Through Bad Days
There are days that no matter the amount of effort, I can't seem to get out of my own way. There are days where I am in a hurry and...
MM #142 - This Machine was Built to be Used
One of the things I’ve never understood is why people pussyfoot around with themselves or the things they buy. A perfect example of this is buying a nice watch and...
MM #141 - Nobody Owes You Anything
Life has evolved into a world of participation trophies, anti-bullying, and an undeserved sense of entitlement. Don't get me wrong.I fully support removing toxic people and events from your path....
MM #140 - Mastering Perspectives
Your perspective really changes your reality. I was raised by one of the most optimistic humans ever, my mother has always seen the good in events. This has not been...
MM #139 - The Alchemy of Competition
I believe that pressure and stress can bring out the absolute best in athletes. This isn't anything new or revolutionary to think about. We have all seen endless clips of...
MM #138 - Inspiration is for Amateurs
“Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work. If you wait around for the clouds to part and a bolt of lightning to...