Last year around this time, I was deep in prepping for my 18 mile Bryce Canyon trail run. This is the first event I have trained for since going through all the years of knee surgeries and after the end of my throwing career.
This time was really transformational for me as an athlete. It gave me back that feeling of progress I missed during my Highland Games years. Getting out to Bryce Canyon and tackling a challenge that felt way out of my comfort zone was an incredible experience. For those not familiar with this experience and my sorry please take some time to watch our documentary FRAGILE.
I find inspiration for design in a variety of places. The colors of Bryce Canyon for sure have been the driving force behind this year's essentials: Southwest pattern GOAT shorts, mauve sunset colors, slate blue skies, and the NOT DEAD YET motto.
NOT DEAD YET has been a mantra I have used for the last few years. It’s a reminder that now is the time to do whatever it is. I’m done waiting for the perfect opportunity to start and holding myself to accomplishing all my dreams.
The other side of my coin is REST WHEN I'M DEAD. That’s when I know I’m done. I can rest, then. I can slow down, then When I’m dead I have an eternity to be lazy and bored. But right now. I'M NOT DEAD YET. I don’t know how long I get to challenge myself, but until then, I am actively trying to live out all my dreams.
I hope these Essentials give you the same vibe and reminder when you wear them. Everyday is an opportunity to take action and become whatever you dream about.