Fuck YES or NO
Recently I have been talking and thinking a lot about having expectations vs intentions. To me, expectations lead a lot more toward failure. This is saying to the journey ahead, that you know how the oath will go, and these are the road marks. However anything that doesn’t hit these road marks now becomes a failure. Or possible disappointment. Peoples expectations get let down all the time and they end up disappointed.
Intentions is setting the course and allowing it to ebb and flow as it needs to. Making adjustments to the course when opposition that can’t be overcome is met. This isn’t a failure, this is how successful people continue to make progress. We adapt and adjust constantly by listening to the feedback the journey is giving us.
Training for X and keep getting nagging injuries? Make some changes. Don’t just bury your head and plow forward. Listen to the information that is being provided. Let the feedback you get help steer your direction.
This intuition for me is something you can get better and better at reading. This gut feeling on decisions is my FUCK YES OR NO. I don’t allow for maybes. If it’s a FUCK YES!!! I know that’s the path and rarely is it incorrect. Anything less than full steam, and every part of me being on board I know I need to figure something else out.
This helps me decide on recovery, how hard I can train without injury, business decisions, design creation, and in my daily life and relationships. I don’t allow half ass people around me either. So it’s fuck yes or no for me till I’m gone. You only have so many days left to live. So the time to live is now.
Don’t waste your time
We did two versions on this drop. Our muted version is a little less loud for a shirt that says fuck. And for the maniacs like me. Tie dye and bold colors. Let’s travel at the speed of awesome my friends. Ditch all that slows down your progress. People, things, bullshit, drama, shitty diets, or anything else that doesn’t equal a FUCK YES for you.
March 17, 2021