Monday Motivation
MM #93 - Are you lost?
This is very common today. From astronaut to public speaker to barista the options for your path forward are vast as the universe itself. Did you choose the path you’re...
MM #92 - Never Lie to Yourself
In Don Miguel Ruiz’s “The Four Agreements,” the first agreement is to be impeccable with your word. The better we can master this agreement with ourselves, the more clear our...
MM #91 - Remember your INTENTION
Taking on living with full accountability and awareness for my actions has been very rewarding. While I don’t succeed all the time, it still allows me to quickly target...
MM #90 - Be a Lighthouse
This past weekend, I took on the Berryman Trial in MO. 27.1 total miles. This is a single day adventure. This trail has quickly become a bit of a testing...
MM #89 - I Get It
It’s 3:00AM in El Chalten, Argentina. I find myself soaking in a hotel tub that’s just a hair too small. My legs, feet, and hips are achy everywhere. Sleep isn’t...
MM #88 - Refinement and Evolution
HVIII Brand Goods started in 2014 and was birthed out of my complete obsession with strength sports. The message was clearly stating that to be my best, I‘d have to...
MM #87 - The Pursuit of Happiness
Life is a complex maze of twists and turns. We all wish there was “the right” path forward. The idea of “getting X and you get happiness, fulfillment, acknowledgement, success,...
MM #86: Choosing Abundance for a Happier Existence
I’m flying back from Florida tonight and The Gap and The Gain starts playing. Typical of the universe hitting the right notes at the right time. Flying in the evening...
MM #85 - When There is Nothing Left to Burn, Set Yourself on Fire
When we start to change, the first thing we do is add things to our list or take away things we already do that we want to stop. Clean up...
MM #5 - Comparison is a Thief of Joy
Too often, we see what someone else has or what they are doing and think, “must be nice.” I hear this when someone who works a regular 9 to 5...
MM #84 - Share the Stoke
So much energy is wasted on pointing fingers and bullshit. We have a propensity to focus on negative shit, criticisms, and tend to point out others’ shortcomings to validate our...
MM#4 - Chasing Goals
Having a plan is something I am trying to get better at. For most of my life, I have been goal-oriented, but I am not terribly organized. Only in my...